Dear friends,
With World Lymphoedema Day (6 March, 2023) fast approaching, it is great to hear what is happening throughout our communities to mark this worldwide event (see below) and raise awareness of lymphatic diseases, while also supporting patients and healthcare professionals.
Here in the UK, preparations are now well underway for the 11thILF conference and we are looking forward to welcoming you all. With the ILF being committed to putting patients at the heart of activities, a patient day is to be held on Thursday 15 June, 2023, where patients and their families will have the chance to network, gain new knowledge and share experiences about lymphoedema and related disorders. This day will close with a play in collaboration with Professor Peter Mortimer, ‘Let’s Talk Lymphoedema’ (to find out more, visit: http://www.2023ilfconference.org).
Please keep us updated with your news — it is important.
With best wishes from
Christine Moffatt CBE and the ILF Board of Directors
ILF 2023 Conference in Nottingham, UK
The 11th ILF conference is to be held in East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK from 13–15 June 2023. Topics that will be covered include cellulitis, psychological impact of living with lymphoedema, children and young people, lipoedema, surgery, resource-limited initiatives, data and pathways of care, compression, obesity, wounds, reducing the risk of lymphoedema, and much more.
ILF 2023 is organised in collaboration with the International Lipoedema Association and the Lymphoedema Wales Clinical Network.
Primary lymphoedema and genital oedema in children — workshop
On 28 January, 2023 this interactive workshop took place in Torino, Italy to address questions and doubts experienced by patients and parents who face the challenges of dealing with primary lymphoedema on a daily basis. It also gave them the opportunity to interact with leading international specialists in the field of lymphology. As Pernille Henriksen, a patient advocate, said: ‘As a patient with primary lymphedema, I am always excited to attend a conference dedicated to this rare disease. …. we should not underestimate how difficult it can be to have a chronic disease such as lymphedema. It literally can weigh you down. I believe that connecting with other patients with lymphedema can give an immense relief and support.’
Swiss lymphoedema
To mark International Lymphoedema Day, the interdisciplinary team at KSW (Kantonsspital, Winterthur) is holding an event (in German) on 16 March 2023 for healthcare professionals to showcase their treatment options for comprehensive and individual patient care — such as differentiated clarifications and holistic care in the angiology oedema consultation, conservative decongestive treatments in the Institute for Therapy and Rehabilitation, dynamic lymphatic vessel examination and surgical options in plastic surgery. To register, visit: www.ksw.ch/event/lymphoedem-behandlungsansaetze-am-ksw/
Swiss Lymphoedema Framework and LymphoSuisse patient meeting
The Swiss Lymphoedema Framework and LymphoSuisse are also organising a meeting for patients (in French) on Saturday, 4 March 2023 at the L'hôpital de Beaumont, Lausanne, Switzerland, to celebrate World Lymphoedema and Lipoedema Day (6 March 2023). As well as educational presentations around these conditions, patients and caregivers will have the opportunity to share their stories.

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework’s (CLF's) quarterly print + digital publication, Pathways magazine, is an important communication tool to support our work. (Learn more about Pathways here: http://www.canadalymph.ca/pathways/)
And, as part of the CLF's annual awareness and advocacy activities to coincide with World Lymphedema Day on 6 March, we are pleased to offer complimentary digital access to the Spring issue of Pathways to anyone who wishes to read it. We encourage you to sign up, and to invite your professional colleagues, health care team, family, advocates, and others to also sign up.
The digital edition is scheduled for release on 28 February, 2023. You will receive an email with a direct link to read the issue online when it is released. Sign up here: http://tinyurl.com/CLF-WLD-Gift
Thank you for your interest — we are very happy to have you as a Pathways reader!
Industry support
The work of the ILF would not be possible without industry support. We thank the ILF Industry Partners for their continued engagement and support.
Learn more
Sign up to become an ILF Affiliate — it’s completely free and will ensure you stay informed about the goals and activities of the ILF and the work of our national frameworks around the world. ILF Affiliates benefit from:
· Reduced fees at future conferences
· Regular updates on activities and resources
· Opportunities to network with national lymphoedema frameworks
· Opportunities to influence future activities and direction.
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