Dear friends,
Is it really possible that it has been 12 months since we all met at the ILF Conference in Nottingham, UK? We took home so many important messages of work being done and how much more there was to achieve. So the work continues throughout many countries.
The International Framework Committee members meet together under the ILF umbrella six times a year - this is a new initiative but gives those that attend the opportunity to discuss what is happening in their country and learn from others. There is a great sharing of expertise from patients, academics, professionals, and between countries that enables projects and research to take place.
The ILF believes that as an international organisation we are better together in what we are trying to do. And, through our member frameworks this is happening.
Please keep us updated with what’s happening where you are - there is so much to do and so much to share in order that we can continue learning to provide the best care for patients, their families and carers.
With best wishes,
Christine Moffatt CBE and the ILF Board of Directors
A focus on our Framework meeting
Our last International Framework Committee meeting took place on 16th April.
This newsletter provides a snapshot of Framework news from this meeting, highlighting the incredible work that is taking place across the world.
Uganda were pleased to report the completion of prevalence studies in two districts, where PhD students have been identifying affordable compression bandages and socks. There is a clear need for a specialist clinic in Uganda and a focus on remedies for self-care.
The team attended the ISL conference in Istanbul in May. Current work is investigating the compliance and adherence of compression garments. A workshop on head and neck to assist in data collection is taking place later this next month.
Burt funding has been approved for a cellulitis improvement programme. A recent patient event took place looking at heart failure and lymphoedema as well as a study looking at GP prescribed compression.
Bulgaria has been granted access to a cancer registry, and people are now being interviewed to undertake the LIMPRINT study.
Netherlands & Belgium
The Belgium and Netherlands Frameworks are combining efforts to create a new joint Framework. The groups are investigating a standard approach to lymphoedema and lipoedema, while also working with the Health Authority to look at shared care in private and public sectors. Education programmes are also under development. In Belgium, a reconstructive surgery trial is in progress.
Discussions are underway with Nordic Frameworks to join a Danish Framework. There is an important study underway with the Danish Government looking at a reimbursement model of compression hosiery. A national prevalence study of children with lymphoedema is progressing.
The Irish team will support the children’s camp in France in July and children from Ireland will attend. They are working with the Health Authority to provide standardised shared care in both public and private sectors, while continuing to develop educational programmes.
A National congress is being held in Rome on 26-28 September in collaboration with patient organisations. Results into research being undertaken into the implementation will be discussed at the conference.
The ESL conference organised by the Turkish Framework took place in May. They are also exploring the possibility of a Turkish children’s camp in September. The Framework is also involved in a lipoedema research project with the National Research Institute. They were pleased to report a successful Erasmus grant application looking at education of professionals working with children with lymphoedema. The ILF is also a co-applicant on this.
An international children’s camp will be in France in July. It is expected there will be 35 participants. Siblings will also be involved in this camp.
The USA were pleased to annonce that the Lymphoedema Treatment Act is now a law.
A children's website is under discussion and there are plans for a low resource website. Following the ILF's commitment to LIMPRINT, discussions are underway for additional countries to participate (Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Bulgaria, India). |
ILF 2023 Conference
We are pleased to announce that access to watch recordings from the main stage at ILF 2023 are now openly accesible. Please follow the link below to register for your free virtual ticket.
To hear more about what our international frameworks are doing worldwide, just click here |
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· Reduced fees at future conferences
· Regular updates on activities and resources
· Opportunities to network with national lymphoedema frameworks
· Opportunities to influence future activities and direction.
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