ILF News
01 December 2021
This new Chronic Oedema Supplement explores in three papers the relationship between wounds and chronic oedema, ILF’s international survey to explore outcome measures in chronic oedema and lymphoedema, and finally an international study to explore the challenges faced by the medical device industry in the development of compression products and ...
30 November 2021
The Genital Oedema Supplement includes three new papers on genital oedema written by authors from five different parts of the world and presenting research from different professions working in varied specialist ...
09 November 2021
LIMPRINT Special Edition Part 2 published by Lymphatic Research and Biology is now online with nine new open access papers on ILF’s international study on chronic ...
07 October 2021
The ILF 2021 Conference will be available in-person as well as online! Furthermore, we are able to offer participants from low-resource countries a special low registration price. Read all about ILF 2021 in the latest ILF newsletter or at the ILF 2021 Conference ...
07 September 2021
In Denmark, the COVID-19 situation is well under control, and currently more than 72% of the population is fully vaccinated. You can enter Denmark even from yellow or orange countries if fully vaccinated, with a negative test or if previously tested positive for ...
17 June 2021
The 9th Asia Pacific Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Association Conference (APETNA 2021) aims at developing the science of wound, ostomy, and continence management and improving the quality of clinical practice in the Asia-Pacific ...
10 June 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a world-wide health crisis and has affected clinics throughout the world. How did lymphoedema services and wound clinics function during corona ...
09 June 2021
The June newsletter from the ILF is now online! This issue has a focus on the deadline coming up for abstract submission for the ILF 2021 Conference. Submit your abstract before 15 June 23:59 ...
04 June 2021
So far it has been accessed by 379 children or young people and completed by 299 of these. It has reached people in 26 countries. Recently the ILF was approached by Spain to ask if the questionnaire could be translated into Spanish thus joining the other 7 languages it is already available ...
27 May 2021
Lymphoedema is a very rare disease in children and young people. The International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF) works currently to validate a quality-of-life tool to give greater understanding of how lymphoedema affects the life of children and young people suffering from ...